About ENG

Every child is born a naturalist. His eyes are, by nature, open to the glories of the stars, the beauty of the flowers, and the mystery of life. — R. Search
Fostering Self-esteem, Resilience and Problem Solving
Esteem for all aspects of oneself is key to personal wellbeing, to good relationships, to find a meaningful place in the world and to feel compassion for all living things.
In building self-esteem, what is important is that all aspects of the child needs are acknowledged and respected. The child needs to learn respect and esteem for their own individuality, their thinking capacities, their feeling capacities and their capacity to work with strong will. Part of the respect for the will is what today is being called resilience, which means a healthy respect for one’s will power, one’s ability to have the courage to try, to try again, to persevere, recover and learn from failure.
Nurturing their special interests and promoting problem solving is also part of our commitment to support their developmental process. It is important for children to learn that solving problems is not something that we have to do alone. We can all have good ideas. We can help each others. When children feel like they're making a difference by helping another individual – even doing a small thing -  they feel more confident.
Fostering children's self-esteem is our ongoing task all through childhood. It takes mindfulness in those involved in children's growth and education. Self-esteem comes from a sense of competence and a confident child needs a positive and realistic perception of his or her abilities. This comes from achievements, great and small.

Risk-Taking and Developing Indipendence

Risk-taking -in age-appropriate ways- is another important aspect of our approach to learning. Providing opportunities for courage, independence and initiative (also making mistakes and learning from them) is fundamental for children to learn carefulness, responsibility and resilience.
In our risk averse world children risk to be deprived of opportunities to develop their physical skills, coordination as well as their will.
In this context it is worth underlining that we need to ensure that children are given the opportunity to try things for themselves.
Independence for children begins with children finding the confidence to try something for themselves. Children rely on adults for so many different aspects of care and it is a big step for a child to attempt to tackle a task independently. By doing things independently children will soon realise that their actions have an effect, and will continue to explore and make sense of the world around them, attempting a wider range of tasks independently.
True understanding and knowledge begin with wonder and awe, then becomes an interest in the world. Everything else follows from there. It all takes time. True knowledge comes as a result of integrating all that children have experienced and thought about.
Coming from what the children know for themselves is the best way to increase understanding of things beyond their experience.

Nurturing Imagination and Creativity

At Kiddywinks we know how important it is to nurture children's imaginations and take joy in their creative thoughts and acts.
Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Imagination is the door to possibilities. It is where creativity, ingenuity, and thinking outside the box begin for child development.
Imaginative and creative play is how children learn about the world.
Everyone aspires for children to reach their highest intellectual and social/emotional potential. Imagining, trying new ways of doing things, using open-ended materials and experimenting help develop critical thinking in children and foster creative problem solving. Furthermore, imagination builds social-emotional development by allowing children to contemplate different resolutions, thus growing in their confidence, which can be used in interactions with others.
Imagination and creativity are skills that our children will need in their future.

Developing Thinking Capacities

Thinking capacities take time to develop, along with language, memory and consciousness and so should not be forced. Our role is to encourage children's natural way of thinking and give them time and encouragement to share their own thoughts about things.
In young children this begins with the concrete world which they know, and with the here and now. Yet as their imaginations grow, they build their thoughts in quite observant and creative ways. In listening to their talk, we should show appreciation for their creative thinking and problem solving.

Our Daily Commitment

“This is our mission: to cast a ray of light and pass on” M.Montessori
Kiddywinks has an holistic approach which respects the uniqueness in the style of each child. “The teacher is seen as a mentor, a facilitator, or an experienced traveling companion” (Forbes, 1996) “ Schools are seen as places where students and adults work towards a mutual goal. Open and honest communication is expected and differences between people are respected and appreciated, Cooperation is the norm rather than competition. The reward for children is helping one another and growing together”.
Our approach focuses on the observation of children while they are experiencing and on the consequent review and reflection of their ongoing individual processes of learning.
We always take into consideration their physical, emotional, social and identity needs and we strive to facilitate children in dealing with their emotions, becoming aware of their emotional state as they respond to specific situations and using language to express their feelings.
As teachers and educators, we always plan all the activities to support children's exploration but we are flexible in order to adapt learning to the particular situation, take ideas from the students and build on what they initiate.
Following the Montessori concept of education our  environments are designed to allow the child to work independently with joy through concentration and self-discovery. Teachers introduce materials and children are free to choose them, again and again, concentrating, working and discovering, and ultimately finding their interests and developing accuracy, coordination and thinking skills. Our primary goal is to foster and enhance each child’s natural sense of joy and wonder as well as supporting their natural gifts.
“It is necessary for the teacher to guide the child without letting him feel her presence too much, so that she may always be ready to supply the desired help, but may never be the obstacle between the child and his experience.” M. Montessori
Kyddywinks Library
“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need” — Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman philosopher
At Kiddywinks we aim to build an authentic passion for reading by sharing our love of books and our belief in the power of literature. The early years are critical to develope a lifelong love of reading. Reading help children gaining a sense of themselves in the world, sparks their imagination, stimulates curiosity and help their development, helps children understand change and new or frightening events, and also the strong emotions that can go along with them,. It also helps children developing early literacy skills like the ability to listen to and understand words. This is important for children's developing social and communication skills.
The special time we spend reading stories with children promotes bonding and helps to build relationships.  The Kiddywinks library is at the heart of our school and houses a growing collection of excellent fiction and non-fiction children’s literature in both Italian and English. The children are introduced to a variety of genres and authors which stimulates their intellectual curiosity and promotes a love of reading. Children visit the library regularly with their teachers and are able to enjoy books anywhere at Kiddywinks. Parents are encouraged to come for shared reading with children as well. We have a selection of magazines, educational media and a collection of international children’s literature written in world languages. A section of useful resources for parents is also available.